Tencent Digital (Blue) Although there will be no suspense for the dual-lens version of the iPhone 7 series, it will be rumored in the end before it is officially released. However, there are now promotional posters issued by China Unicom Hong Kong company, once again suggesting that the upcoming iPhone 7 Plus will be equipped with dual cameras, there may be a new blue version launched, is expected to officially debut in September this year.
Implied with twin lenses
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According to Hong Kong media reports, China Unicom Hong Kong issued a publicity poster and announced that as of right now, Fanxin can enjoy preferentially reserving mobile phone services at the same time as signing a monthly subscription plan for Hong Kong Unicom. At the same time, due to the number "7" appearing on the posters issued by Unicom Hong Kong, it is clear that the iPhone 7 will be officially released in September.
More importantly, judging from the map released by Lenovo Hong Kong, the upcoming iPhone 7 will have a dual-camera version, and the poster background will be formed by four-color mosaics. Hong Kong media speculates that this may be This means that iPhone 7 will be based on the original gray, gold, rose gold color, there will be a new blue version launched.
Confirm new colors
Since the Hong Kong market is usually the starting point for the new iPhone, the operator’s announcement has certain credibility, but whether or not there is a blue version is a matter of opinion. Although the current widespread news is that the iPhone 7 will increase the “sparrow-black†version, there are also some netizens who said that the blue material originally existed, but whether it will eventually be added to the new color scheme cannot be determined. In addition, the dual-lens version of iPhone 7 is still rumored to be named iPhone Pro and will have wireless charging capabilities.
In addition, the recent frequent disclosure of iPhone 7 news @ KK low-key users are still on Weibo, said through the Foxconn internal news can confirm the 4.7-inch version of iPhone7 will be pure black, rose gold and local gold version, no deep blue The version has not yet been produced. At the same time, Foxconn insiders also claim that the black is very good-looking and will surely be sold.
Waterproof performance is less than S7
At the same time @ KK low-key also said that the iPhone 7 will cancel the physical Home button, and use touch buttons, and will remove the 3.5mm headphone jack, iPhone 6s really have better water resistance, distance from the Samsung GALAXY S7 owned IP68 There is still a gap in the level of waterproofing, as the camera of the mobile phone will be larger and more prominent.
However, the so-called news from inside Foxconn is often true and false, such as the iPhone 7 to cancel the physical Home key statement may not be reliable, the current widespread news is not pressed, and will integrate 3D Touch technology. Of course, even now more reliable news may not be the final configuration of the iPhone 7, and all suspense may still need to be held until September's press conference to be able to reveal the answer. According to information previously disclosed by Big God @evleaks, iPhone 7 will be booked on September 9th and is expected to start selling on September 16. So, the combination of Apple’s tradition of releasing new iPhones on Tuesday or Wednesday also means The new generation iPhone will be officially launched on September 6 or 7.
.wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; }
Dc gear motor, namely gear reduction motor, is based on ordinary Dc Motor, coupled with gear reduction gearbox.
The gear reducer is used to provide low speed and large torque.
At the same time, the gearbox with different deceleration ratio can provide different speed and torque.
Generally different industries, using different power dc motor, generally adopt custom parameter design pattern.
What are the four ratings of the Dc Gear Motor? The DC gear motor is often seen in our industrial production. Here Shunchang Motor gives you the knowledge of its four ratings. To talk about
1. Rated Current: The rated current is the maximum current allowed to flow through the armature winding of the DC deceleration motor in accordance with the specified operating mode, in A.
2. Rated Voltage: The rated voltage is the maximum additional voltage that the armature winding of the motor can work safely, unit V. It
3. Rated Speed: Rated speed refers to the rotational speed of the Gear Reducer Motor in the rated voltage, rated current and output rated power under the circumstances of operation, the unit is r/min. Such
4, rated power: rated power refers to the motor in accordance with the specified mode of operation can provide output power. For motor, rated power is the output of mechanical power on the shaft.
precision instruments and meters,automobile industry, medical equipment, consumer electronics, household appliances, electric glass doors and Windows,etc., wide application range
Features: gear motor drive precision, small volume, large torque, low noise, durability, low energy consumption, customized power design,easy installation, easy maintenance;Simplify design and save space.
Method of use: the best stable in horizontal plane, installed on the dc gear motor output shaft parts, cannot use a hammer to knock,knock prone to press into the dc gear motor drive, may cause damage to internal components, and cannot be used in the case of blocked.
Operating temperature range:
Geared motors should be used at a temperature of -10~60℃.
The figures stated in the catalog specifications are based on use at ordinary room temperature catalog specifications re based on use at ordinary room temperature (approximately20~25℃.
If a geared motor is used outside the prescribed temperature range,the grease on the gearhead area will become unable to function normally and the motor will become unable to start.Depending on the temperature conditions ,it may be possible to deal with them by changing the grease of the motor's parts.Please feel free to consult with us about this.
Storage temperature range:
Geared motors should be stored ta a temperature of -15~65℃.
In case of storage outside this range,the grease on the gearhead area will become unable to function normally and the motor will become unable to start.
Service life:
The longevity of geared motors is greatly affected by the load conditions , the mode of operation,the environment of use ,etc.Therefore,it is necessary to check the conditions under which the product will actually be used .The following conditions will have a negative effect on longevity.Please consult with us should any of them apply.â—Use with a load that exceeds the rated torque
â—Frequent starting
â—Momentary reversals of turning direction
â—Impact loads
â—Long-term continuous operation
â—Forced turning using the output shaft
â—Use in which the permitted overhang load or the permitted thrust load is exceeded
â—A pulse drive ,e.g.,a short break,counter electromotive force,PWM control
â—Use of a voltage that is nonstandard as regards the rated voltage
â—Use outside the prescribed temperature or relative-humidity range,or in a special environment.
â—Please consult with us about these or any other conditions of use that may apply,so that we can be sure that you select the most appropriate model.
when it come to volume production,we're a major player as well .each month,we rurn out 600000 units,all of which are compliant with the rohs directive.Have any questions or special needed, please contact us, we have the engineer group and best sales department to service to you Looking forward to your inquiry. Welcome to our factory.
Gear Motor,Micro Gear Motor,Small Gear Motor,Bike Lock Gear Motor
Shenzhen Shunchang Motor Co., LTD. , https://www.scgearmotor.com