Fairchild Semiconductor's Global Power ResourceSM Center (GPRC) in China has developed a complete LED street lighting solution with high energy efficiency, excellent thermal performance, and high reliability. Ex…
The second supplementary budget of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, including the information and budget of 268.10 million yen, was approved on January 28, 2010. Among them, there are many support budgets related to the LED lighting ind…
It is understood that the price of large-size LCD panels is also "slowing down" in August, the price of notebook panels has dropped by about 6%, and the price of monitor panels has fallen by less than 10% (Figure 1). For the TV panel, the…
In DisplaySearch's latest "LED Backlight Quarterly Report", it is predicted that the LED backlight module used in large-area TFT LCD panels will exceed CCFL/EEFL backlights by 2011, reaching a ratio of 74% by 2013. The number of …
In recent years, with the deepening of energy-saving and emission-reduction work in China, the construction of urban sewage treatment facilities has been accelerating. A large number of sewage treatment plants have been established throughout the country, and the sewage treatm…
Intersil launches WIDESound x 4TM audio enhancement technology
Intersil's new D2Audio® WIDESound x 4TM enhancement technology brings a compl…