GLII released "2012 China LED Midstream Packaging Research Report"

According to the High-Tech LED Industry Research (GLII) survey, as of the end of March 2012 in China, there are more than 1,700 LED packaging companies with a small scale and mass production, and this data is gradually increasing. These enterprises are mainly distributed in various types of Chinese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and US-owned packaging companies. Although there are still a large number of inferior LED packaging products on the market, the overall quality of LED packaging products has been greatly improved after several years of rapid development. This phenomenon is more obvious in the next 2-3 years. . Although LED packaging companies have exceeded 1,700 in China, from the perspective of LED application requirements, existing LED packaging companies will not be able to meet market requirements. In the next few years, LED packaging will still be the initial springboard for many companies to enter the LED industry. However, many companies and other investors did not understand the actual situation of the current industry when they entered the LED packaging field, and lacked relevant data for the Chinese LED packaging industry.

After nearly 10 years of development, China's LED packaging industry has a considerable economic scale, and has become one of the world's major LED packaging production bases. In 2011, Gaogong LED Industry Research (GLII) collected a large amount of first-hand information through field investigations of major LED packaging companies and LED packaging companies in the world, combined with face-to-face interviews with leading figures in the LED packaging industry.

This report has carried out detailed research and analysis on the development characteristics, main products, output value, packaging equipment, brackets, phosphors, silica gel, and global LED package output value distribution of China's LED packaging industry in 2011. The High-Tech LED Industry Research (GLII) hopes to provide the most accurate and optimal reference value for investors, industry insiders, securities companies, and those who want to learn about the LED packaging industry through practical research.

To purchase the above report, please contact: Mr. Zhang Phone Email: hb.

Data range description:
The data of this report is updated to March 2012. The data of this report is mainly based on the data of mainland China, and the data of other regions in the world are involved in a small amount.

table of Contents
Chapter 1 Analysis of China's LED Packaging Industry Status Section 1 Analysis of China's LED Packaging Industry Main Characteristics Section 2 China's LED Packaging Industry Competition Situation Analysis Chapter 2 China LED Packaging Industry Market Analysis Section 1 China LED Packaging Market Size and Production Analysis Section 2 China LED Packaging Enterprise Rankings Section 3 China LED Packaging Product Price Analysis Section 4 China LED Application Field Analysis Chapter 3 Global LED Packaging Market Analysis Section 1 Global LED Packaging Market Size Analysis Section 2 Global LED Packaging Industry Development Trend Analysis Chapter 4 China LED Packaging Enterprise Distribution Analysis Section 1 China LED Packaging Enterprise Regional Distribution Analysis Section 2 China LED Packaging Enterprise Type Analysis Chapter 5 China LED Packaging Industry Investment Analysis Section 1 2010 China LED Packaging Industry Investment Analysis Section 2 Taiwan-funded enterprises in China's LED packaging industry investment analysis Section III Other foreign-funded enterprises in China's LED packaging industry investment analysis Chapter VI China LED Market Analysis of Equipment Equipment Section 1 Overall Capacity Analysis of China's LED Packaging Equipment Market Section 2 Localization Analysis of National LED Packaging Equipment Chapter 7 China LED Bracket Market Analysis Section 1 China LED Bracket Market Capacity Analysis Section 2 China LED Bracket Price Analysis Section III China LED Bracket Major Suppliers Analysis Chapter 8 China LED Phosphor Market Analysis Section 1 China LED Phosphor Market Capacity Analysis Section 2 China LED Phosphor Price Analysis Section III China LED Phosphor Main Supplier Analysis Chapter 9 China LED Silicone Market Analysis Section 1 China LED Silicone Market Capacity Analysis Section 2 China LED Silicone Price Analysis Section III China LED Silicone Major Suppliers Analysis Chapter 10 China LED Packaging Industry Technology Development Analysis Section 1 China LED Packaging Technical Analysis Section 2 LED Packaging Technology Development Trend Analysis Chapter 11 China LED Packaging Industry Policy Analysis Section 1 China National LED Industry Policy and Quasi-analysis Section II China's local LED industry policy and standards analysis Chapter 12 China LED packaging industry development trend forecast Chapter 13 China LED packaging industry investment risk and investment prospects analysis Section I China LED packaging industry major investment opportunities analysis Section 2 Major Investment Risk Analysis of China's LED Packaging Industry Section III Investment Recommendations for China's LED Packaging Industry

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